1.2.5 다섯 번째 명령 – sort

    sort 명령은 파일에 담긴 각 줄을 오름차순(기본 설정)으로 정렬하는 명령이다.

    icon_folder chapter01 > command_5_sort

    $ sort animals.txt
    alpaca  Intermediate Perl          2012  Schwartz, Randal
    donkey  Cisco IOS in a Nutshell    2005  Boney, James
    horse   Linux in a Nutshell        2009  Siever, Ellen
    oryx    Writing Word Macros        1999  Roman, Steven
    python  Programming Python         2010  Lutz, Mark
    robin   MySQL High Availability    2014  Bell, Charles
    snail   SSH, The Secure Shell      2005  Barrett, Daniel

    -r 옵션을 사용하면 내림차순 정렬도 가능하다.

    $ sort -r animals.txt
    snail   SSH, The Secure Shell       2005  Barrett, Daniel
    robin   MySQL High Availability     2014  Bell, Charles
    python  Programming Python          2010  Lutz, Mark
    oryx    Writing Word Macros         1999  Roman, Steven
    horse   Linux in a Nutshell         2009  Siever, Ellen
    donkey  Cisco IOS in a Nutshell     2005  Boney, James
    alpaca  Intermediate Perl           2012  Schwartz, Randal
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