
코드 6-17 oop1/oop1_2/account.py ①

class Account:
    num_acnt = 0           #1

    def get_num_acnt(cls): #2
        cls.get_num_acnt() -> integer
        return cls.num_acnt

    def _ _init__(self, name, money):
        self.user = name   #3
        self.balance = money
        Account.num_acnt += 1  #4

    def deposit(self, money):
        vif money < 0:
        self.balance += money

    def withdraw(self, money):
        if money > 0 and money <= self.balance:
            self.balance -= money
            return money
            return None

    def transfer(self, other, money):    #5
        obj.transfer(other, money) -> bool
        other : The object to interact with
        money : money the user wants to send

        returns True if the balance is enough to transfer
        returns False if not
        mon = self.withdraw(money)
        if mon:
            return True
            return False

    def _ _str__(self):      #6
        return 'user : {}, balance : {}'.format(self.user, self.balance)
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