
임의로 선택한 문장에 대한 번역 결과를 보여 주기 위해 evaluateRandomly 함수를 호출합니다.

코드 10-36 임의의 문장에 대한 평가 결과

evaluateRandomly(model, input_lang, output_lang, pairs)

다음은 임의의 입력을 가져와서 번역된 출력을 보여 주는 결과입니다.

input what would we do instead
output que ferionsnous la place
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input he is eight
output il a huit ans
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input what time is your plane due to take off
output quelle heure votre avion doit dcoller
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input you must take advantage of the opportunity
output tu dois saisir cette occasion
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input he is always finding fault with other people
output il trouve toujours redire aux autres
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input you have many books
output tu as de nombreux livres
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input i have an appointment with my lawyer today
output jai rendezvous avec mon avocat aujourdhui
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input he wiped his nose on his sleeve
output il essuya la morve sur sa manche
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input youve been very kind to me
output tu as t trs gentille avec moi
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
input at that time tom wasnt very happy
output cette poque thomas ntait pas vraiment heureux
predicted je ne pas <EOS>
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