
코드 10-44 긍정/부정 감정 변환

y = movie_reviews['sentiment']
y = np.array(list(map(lambda x: 1 if x=="positive" else 0, y)))

이제 리뷰 변수에는 텍스트 리뷰가 포함되고 y 변수에는 해당 레이블이 포함되었습니다. 리뷰를 무작위로 출력해 봅시다.

코드 10-45 리뷰 출력


다음은 리뷰를 무작위로 출력한 결과입니다.

Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films where the humour is based around the oddness of everything rather than actual punchlines At first it was very odd and pretty funny but as the movie progressed didn find the jokes or oddness funny anymore Its low budget film thats never problem in itself there were some pretty interesting characters but eventually just lost interest imagine this film would appeal to stoner who is currently partaking For something similar but better try Brother from another planet
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